The Last of Us: Volume 2 Drops Tomorrow from Mondo
Amazing shot of the vinyl from Mondo’s Music Weekly
The long awaited re-pressing of Gustavo Santaolalla’s gorgeous score of The Last of Us: Volume 2 will be going live on Valentines Day tomorrow from Mondo at 12pm CST. This will be the first time this music has been available on vinyl since the original 2015 4xLP box set from Mondo. Volume 1 was re-pressed late last year and is also getting a restock tomorrow for fans who missed out. Keep your F5 button ready on Mondo’s main page for when these drop and treat yourself to some awesome music! If this pressing is anything like the previous Volume 1 pressing, there should be plenty to go around for people when they go live. Do not rest on these though, this is some seriously good music!
Check out Mondo’s Music Weekly Here: